Colorado enacts groundbreaking brain data privacy law

Colorado became the first state in the nation to enact a law protecting neural data, emphasizing the growing intersection of technology and human biology while ensuring privacy in the expanding field of neurotechnology.

India banned TikTok; here's how it went

India, the world's most populous country, banned TikTok nearly four years ago. Here’s what happened and how that ban compares to the U.S. legislation.

Study: Internet companies ill-prepared for 2024 election misinformation

Ad transparency is crucial for revealing who funds and targets political advertisements, ensuring voters have clear, accurate information during U.S. presidential elections, which is essential for making informed decisions and safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process.

Dubai flooding prompts cloud seeding questions

The heaviest rain ever recorded in the United Arab Emirates flooded portions of major highways and Dubai’s international airport in a matter of hours Tuesday.