Wikipedia's most-viewed articles in 2024

Politics dominated Wikipedia’s most-viewed articles this year, but here’s a look at what else people were interested in reading about in 2024.

Social media ban in Australia for those under 16

A social media ban for children under 16 passed the Australian Parliament on Friday in a world-first law. The law will make platforms including TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, X and Instagram liable for fines of up to 50 million Australian dollars ($33 million) for systemic failures to prevent children younger than 16 from holding accounts. The Senate passed the bill on Thursday 34 votes to 19. The House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved the legislation by 102 votes to 13.

Doomscrolling costs us 3 days a month, survey finds

The average American spends six hours consuming some type of media every day, and there’s a correlation between excessive media scrolling and “very poor” mental health, a new survey reveals.