DoorDash warns not tipping on orders might make it take longer to deliver

Nowadays, customers ordering from DoorDash may have to make a choice: tip your driver or potentially wait longer for your meal. The popular food delivery app is currently testing a new pop-up warning for customers, prompting them to decide whether to proceed with an order that lacks a tip.

DoorDash clarified that its drivers have the freedom to select which orders they wish to accept and can view whether a tip is included before taking on an order. As a result, if no tip is left, there's a possibility that it might take more time for a driver to pick up the order. 

Notably, DoorDash states that it compensates drivers with payments ranging from $2 to $10 for each order, with drivers receiving 100% of the tips provided.

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"Everyday, Dashers go the extra mile to help connect consumers with the best of their local communities. That’s why we encourage customers to show their appreciation by tipping," a Doordash spokesperson said in a statement to FOX 11. "As independent contractors, Dashers have full freedom to accept or reject offers based on what they view as valuable and rewarding. While the vast majority of customers do leave a tip, offers that don’t include a tip can be seen as less desirable – this impacts our entire community, leading to longer wait times for customers, orders sitting longer at merchants, and less value for Dashers."

The spokesperson added that the pop-up disclaimer in the app is a pilot they are testing to help create the best possible experience for all and that they are looking closely at the results and feedback from the new prompt.

ConsumerFood and DrinkU.S.