Trump to be inaugurated inside
President-elect Trump's inauguration will now take place inside the U.S. Capitol due to cold weather forecast for Monday, the first indoor inauguration since President Ronald Reagan's second inauguration in January 1985. On that frigid January 20th 40 years ago, the air temperature was 7 degrees, with a windchill of -40. Monday's forecast is a high of 23 degrees and a low of 10, but brutal winds are expected to whip across the city, making the temperature feel more like single-digits. President Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated inside the Capitol in 1801, as was custom in the nation's early history. Organizers moved President James Monroe's inauguration outside, because the Capitol was so badly damaged after the War of 1812 when the British burned it, which kicked off the custom of swearing in a president outside in front of the National Mall. Kenneth Gray, a distinguished lecturer of homeland security, emergency management, and criminal justice, discusses.